Soon, Standard will rotate, leaving many decks behind, one of which is Nexus Reclamation. Many people hated Nexus Reclamation, but many people also liked it, one of them being myself. Since its departure is so soon, I decided to write an article on it.
The Decklist
View it here at: https://www.mtgvault.com/jxue16/decks/nexus-reclamation/
The Breakdown
Blink of an Eye/Callous Dismissal: These are the only removal spells in the deck. They get rid of annoying threats, and Blink of an eye is an instant.
Search for Azcanta: This filters our draw in the early game, and can also find Wilderness Reclamation, Nexus of Fate, or any other useful thing in the late game.
Tamiyo, Collector of Tales: Tamiyo can help us search for anything we need, typically Nexus of Fate, and also gets us back cards that we've used before. It also synergizes really well with Search for Azcanta.
Narset, Parter of Veils: Not only does it help against most blue decks, it also finds us cards that we need for a cheaper cost than Tamiyo does, but can only be activated 1-2 times.
Root Snare: Root snare is extremely useful against more aggresive decks or combat-focused decks. It can give us one extra turn, which may make the difference between losing and comboing off.
Opt/Growth Spiral/Chemister's Insight: These are all card draw which help us find our combo pieces. They all do, but I think that Chemister's Insight is the best in this deck.
Wilderness Reclamation/Nexus of Fate: Wilderness Reclamation is our psuedo-ramp spell, which allows us to pull off a chain of Nexus of Fate's faster. Nexus of Fate is the namesake combo of the deck.
The Conclusion
Since Nexus Reclamation's going to leave soon, I played 10 games with it, and, unsurprisingly, it went 10-0.Sadly, it's going to leave Standard soon and I daresay that Standard won't ever be the same without Nexus Reclamation, but I hope something just as fun comes up in the future.
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